
Trusted by over 200k+ users
Restaurants are behind
Smart Serve makes dining smarter. Guests scan a QR code to view the menu, order, and pay right from their smartphones or normally
How Does its work?
Scan & Code
The first step scanning QR code. we are always here for our customers ready to address to our customer.
Reviewing Orders
The first step scanning QR code. we are always here for our customers ready to address to our customer.
Custom Menu
The first step scanning QR code. we are always here for our customers ready to address to our customer.
Order Surveillance
The first step scanning QR code. we are always here for our customers ready to address to our customer.
As a Customer
Improve & Attract
Built-in timers track preparation and service times, helping restaurants optimize efficiency and reduce delays.
How Does its work?
Features for Owner
Built-in timers track preparation and service times, helping restaurants optimize efficiency and reduce delays.
Sketching tools
Brushes, shapes, fonts, and other standard sketching tools, to help you control the final output.
Sketching tools
Exports your creations as vectors, or convert any image into a clean vector .SVG file, ready to be used online or with any vector image editing software.
Sketching tools
Easily remove the background from your images, and get a transparent PNG file.
45+ Design styles!
Curated design styles, covering most logo and graphic design
trends and themes.
Color Control!
Improve your prompt by easily controlling color palettes, and
themes via a simple and easy to use user interface.
Advantages of the web App
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